Jamui: A young man riding a bike was crushed to death by an unidentified speeding vehicle near Khairma on the main road of Malaypur in Jamui on Thursday morning. The deceased has been identified as Laxman Rajak, the 28-year-old son of Umesh Prasad Rajak, a resident of Maharajganj in the Jamui Nagar Parishad area. Laxman was riding his bike on his way to work when the accident occurred.
The incident took place on the main road of Malaypur, which is known for its high traffic flow. The unidentified vehicle was traveling at a high speed and collided with Laxman’s bike, resulting in his immediate death. The impact of the collision was severe, causing fatal injuries to Laxman.
Laxman’s father, Umesh Prasad Rajak, is devastated by the tragic incident. Laxman was his only son and his untimely demise has left the family in deep sorrow. The local authorities have been informed about the incident and an investigation is underway to identify the vehicle and its driver responsible for the accident.
The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of road safety and the need for drivers to exercise caution while on the road. It is crucial for everyone to follow traffic rules and regulations to prevent such unfortunate accidents from occurring. The loss of a young life is a tragic event that could have been avoided with responsible driving.
सवारी कर रहे थे जब एक अज्ञात वाहन ने उन्हें टक्कर मार दी। इस हादसे में लक्ष्मण की मौत हो गई। उनकी पहचान उमेश प्रसाद रजक के बेटे के रूप में हुई है। यह हादसा जमुई नगर परिषद क्षेत्र के महाराजगंज निवासी उमेश प्रसाद रजक के लिए एक बड़ी सड़क हादसा है।