In a tragic accident on Friday night in Fatuha, Patna, a teenager died while three others were seriously injured. The four boys were returning home on their bikes after attending a wedding ceremony when they were hit by a speeding tractor. The accident was so severe that one of the boys died on the spot. All the injured have been taken to Patna Hospital for treatment. The police have started investigating the case after reaching the accident site.
The incident took place on the Saidaipur-Bakhtiyarpur-Patna highway. It is reported that the four boys from Sigariyawa village were returning home on their bikes after attending a wedding at Karauta temple. It was during this time that a tractor coming at high speed on the Fatuha-Saidaipur-Bakhtiyarpur-Patna highway collided with the boys on their bikes. After the accident, the tractor fled from the scene.
All three injured boys have been admitted to the hospital. After completing the wedding ceremony, the family members were passing by when the accident happened. In a state of panic, the family members rushed all the injured boys to the primary health center in Fatuha, where Vishal Kumar, aged 17, succumbed to his injuries. The doctors referred all the injured boys to PMCH in Patna for further treatment. The injured boys have been identified as Siddharth Kumar (17), Suraj Kumar (15), and Bittu Kumar (16). As soon as the information about the incident was received, the police arrived at the scene and sent the body of the deceased for postmortem.
बिहार के पटना शहर में एक सड़क हादसे में एक किशोर की मौत हो गई है और तीन किशोरों की हालत गंभीर है। इस हादसे में चार बाइक सवार किशोरों को एक ट्रैक्टर ने टक्कर मार दी है। घटना के बाद सभी घायलों को पटना अस्पताल में भेज दिया गया है। पुलिस ने मामले की छानबीन शुरू कर दी है। सैदपुर-बख्तियारपुर-पटना हाईवे पर हादसा हुआ है और ट्रैक्टर वहां से फरार हो गया है।