After a horrific road accident in Nalanda, a truck driver was burned alive while another driver is in critical condition. The incident occurred near Usmanpur Mod in the Nagarnausa police station area on Friday morning when two trucks collided. After the accident, one of the trucks suddenly caught fire, trapping the driver inside. By the time people nearby arrived, the driver had already been burned alive. The incident caused panic in the area, with a crowd gathering. The police arrived at the scene immediately after receiving the information and began investigating.

With the help of fire extinguishers, the fire was brought under control. According to the police, one driver of the high-speed vehicle died in the accident, while another is in critical condition. The fire was extinguished using fire extinguishers. The high-speed vehicle is being removed from the road. The identity of the truck driver is being determined. Further action is being taken in the case.

This news is currently being updated…

नालंदा में भीषण सड़क हादसे में एक ट्रक ड्राइवर जिंदा जलकर गया। एक अन्य ड्राइवर की हालत भी गंभीर है। इस हादसे के बाद एक ट्रक में आग लग गई और ड्राइवर जिंदा जल गया। पुलिस मौके पर पहुंची और आग को दमकल की मदद से काबू में लेने में सफल हुई। सड़क हादसे में एक व्यक्ति की मौत हो गई है और एक अन्य की हालत गंभीर है। वर्तमान में इस मामले में जांच की जा रही है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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