In a recent incident in the Salem village of Bhojpur, a ward member and his son were severely beaten over a minor dispute. The incident took place on Wednesday under the jurisdiction of the Dhabaha OP in the Muffassil Thana area of Bhojpur. Both the ward member, Satyanand Yadav, and his son, Himanshu Yadav, sustained serious injuries and were subsequently admitted to Ara Sadar Hospital for treatment.

Satyanand Yadav, who is a resident of ward number 7 and a member of the Sah Izri Panchayat, was involved in a heated argument that escalated into a physical altercation. The exact details of the dispute are unclear at this time. However, the situation quickly turned violent, resulting in both father and son being injured.

Following the incident, they were rushed to Ara Sadar Hospital for medical treatment. The severity of their injuries has not been disclosed. It is yet to be determined if any legal action will be taken against the perpetrators responsible for the assault. The police are currently investigating the matter to gather more information and identify the individuals involved in the attack.

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