Fire broke out in Yogvalliya village of Ramgarhwa block in Motihari district. In this unfortunate incident, 15 people lost their lives due to suffocation. The fire started in a house and quickly spread, resulting in the death of several animals including a buffalo, a cow, and many goats. The villagers made several attempts to control the fire but were unsuccessful as the flames were too intense. Upon receiving the information, the Ramgarhwa Sub-Divisional Officer Mani Bhushan Kumar called for the fire brigade and managed to bring the fire under control. The incident took place in Ward No. 9 of Yogvalliya village. The fire caused significant damage as it could not be contained in time.
मोतिहारी के योगवलिया गांव में एक आग लग गई, जिसके कारण 15 मवेशियों की मौत हो गई। आग एक घर में शुरू हुई और फिर बड़ी तेजी से फैल गई। इसमें एक भैंस, एक गाय और कई बकरियां भी मर गईं। ग्रामीणों ने आग को रोकने की कोशिश की, लेकिन वे सफल नहीं हो सके। इसके बाद रामगढ़वा अंचलाधिकारी ने अग्निशमन को बुलाया और आग को नियंत्रण में लिया गया। यह घटना योगवलिया गांव के वार्ड संख्या-9 में हुई है।