First Rajdhani Express train started running on the Bhagalpur-Jamalpur route for the first time on Tuesday, fulfilling a long-standing demand of the people of Bhagalpur. The Tejas Rajdhani Express, which runs from Agartala, narrowly escaped a major accident on the Sahibganj-Bhagalpur railway section. Anti-social elements had conspired to cause a major accident on the first day of operation by placing stones on the tracks. However, the Tejas Rajdhani Express managed to avoid the stones and only suffered minor damage to its engine.
While the Tejas Rajdhani Express was en route to Anand Vihar from Agartala, people in Bhagalpur were eagerly awaiting the train on the Bhagalpur route on Wednesday. During this time, a major accident was averted near Maharajpur. Some miscreants had planned to derail the train by placing half a stone on the track. The train collided with the stone, causing damage to a part of the engine. However, there were no major casualties and the train continued its journey safely.
The driver of the Tejas Rajdhani Express showed quick thinking and kept the train under control during the incident. The train stopped for a few minutes at the accident site. The train arrived in Bhagalpur before the scheduled time on Wednesday, where it was welcomed for the first time. The authorities had made all the necessary preparations for this. Several dignitaries, including the Member of Parliament from Bhagalpur, were present at the occasion.
The driver and guard of the Rajdhani Express, who were operating the train for the first time, were quite happy. The guard, Mithilesh Tiwari, expressed his happiness and said that he was taking a Rajdhani train for the first time on this route. The driver, Ake Mandal and Mohammed Kamal Ahmad, also expressed their joy at operating the Rajdhani train on the Bhagalpur route for the first time. The driver’s team was also welcomed. Regarding the incident of placing stones on the track, the Assistant Divisional Railway Manager, Shiv Kumar Prasad, stated that they received information through the RPF that a stone had been placed on the first track of Sahibganj. When the Tejas Express passed through this route, it collided with the stone. It was found that there was no stone on the track a few seconds before a goods train passed through. However, the stone was placed there before the Tejas Rajdhani Express passed. The matter is being investigated. The railway staff also mentioned that a similar incident occurred near Maharajpur before Taljhari. The train was slowed down for a few seconds but was not stopped. The train reached Bhagalpur before the scheduled time.
भारतीय रेलवे के बारे में यह समाचार आया है कि भागलपुर-जमालपुर रूट पर पहली बार राजधानी एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन चली है। भागलपुर के लोगों की यह मांग थी और उन्हें यह बहुत खुशी हुई है। इससे पहले अगरतला से चली तेजस राजधानी एक्सप्रेस हादसे से बच गई। इस रेलखंड पर पहले ही दिन ही असमाजिक तत्वों ने बड़े हादसे को अंजाम देने की साजिश रची थी, लेकिन तेजस राजधानी इससे बच गई। ट्रेन ने बड़े हादसे को टलाया और सुरक्षित रूप से आगे बढ़ी। भागलपुर के लोगों ने राजधानी एक्सप्रेस का स्वागत किया है और उन्हें इसकी तैयारी करने में काफी समय लगा है। ट्रेन के चालक और गार्ड भी इस यात्रा को लेकर बहुत खुश हैं। यह ट्रेन नियत समय से पहले ही भागलपुर पहुंच गई है।