Jharkhand Weather: Cold weather has prevailed in Jharkhand, including the capital, with fog in the morning. Some parts of the state are experiencing extreme cold. The minimum temperature in Ranchi was recorded at 8.4 degrees, the lowest in the state. This was followed by 8.7 degrees in Gumla. According to the weather department, the weather will remain dry and clear in the state for the next five days. There is still fog in some parts of the state. However, it is sunny during the day and cool in the morning and night. The wind is calm. In Ranchi and surrounding districts, clouds are forming due to the eastern winds blowing during the day, resulting in a slight decrease in the maximum temperature. The temperature in the capital city was 25.0 degrees Celsius, while the minimum temperature was 12.0. According to the weather department, the sky is clear in the plains of the country. The direction of the incoming winds is calm. Due to the stability of the cold winds, the cold is normal. However, light clouds are seen in Ranchi and the southern parts of the state.
Districts Maximum Minimum
Ranchi 25.0 12.0
Jamshedpur 27.2 14.2
Medininagar 26.6 10.7
Bokaro 24.5 12.1
Deoghar 25.6 13.6
Chatra 23.1 09.4
Pakur 27.1 14.1
Sahibganj 25.2 13.6
Gumla 23.7 08.4
Kanke 24.4 08.7
The weather in Jharkhand is currently cold with fog in the morning. The minimum temperature in Ranchi is the lowest in the state. The weather department predicts dry and clear weather for the next five days. There is still fog in some parts of the state, but it is sunny during the day and cool in the morning and night. Clouds are forming in Ranchi and surrounding districts due to the eastern winds blowing during the day, resulting in a slight decrease in the maximum temperature. The sky is clear in the plains of the country, and the direction of the incoming winds is calm. The cold winds are stable, resulting in normal cold weather.
झारखंड में सर्द मौसम के साथ सुबह में धुंध का प्रभाव बना हुआ है। राज्य के कुछ हिस्सों में सर्दी ज्यादा पड़ रही है और न्यूनतम तापमान अब भी सामान्य से नीचे है। रांची में न्यूनतम तापमान 8.4 डिग्री रहा है जो सबसे कम है। मौसम विभाग के अनुसार, राज्य में अगले पांच दिनों के दौरान मौसम शुष्क और साफ रहेगा। रांची और आसपास के जिलों में दिन में पूर्वी हवा चलने से बादल छा रहे हैं जिससे दिन के अधिकतम तापमान में कुछ कमी आयी है। राजधानी का तापमान 25.0 डिग्री रहा और सुबह का न्यूनतम तापमान 12.0 रहा। देश के मैदानी भागों पर आसमान साफ है और आनेवाली हवाओं का रूख शांत है।