Patna, the capital of Bihar, and most parts of the state will remain engulfed in fog for the next few days, according to IMD predictions. The night temperatures are expected to drop by two to three degrees Celsius after 24 hours. However, the cold weather conditions are not showing signs of easing yet. As per IMD data, the minimum temperature at night in Patna is currently six degrees Celsius above normal. The maximum temperature in southern Bihar is one to three degrees below normal, while in northern Bihar, it is around normal. Dense fog has enveloped southern, southwestern, and northwestern Bihar, making the sight of the sun rare. The forecast predicts foggy conditions to persist in the northwestern, northeastern, central, southwestern, and southeastern regions for the next two days.
Special Facts ★The visibility in most parts of northwestern, southwestern, southern-central, northeastern, and eastern Bihar is around 100 meters. In Purnia, Gaya, and Patna, the minimum temperature is six degrees Celsius above normal. On the other hand, in Bhagalpur, the minimum temperature is two degrees above normal. In Patna and Gaya, the average temperature is one to three degrees below normal. According to IMD, light rain is expected in northwestern and southwestern Bihar from the 10th of January.
Air stagnation within a one-kilometer radius has led to the condensation of water vapor in the air, resulting in a persistent fog. The wind speed is almost calm, contributing to the stagnant fog. Therefore, the fog is lingering for a long time during the day. The weather in Bihar will be dry. There is a possibility of a decrease in temperature by two to three degrees Celsius and a chance of rain.
Patna is experiencing colder temperatures after the start of the new year. Although there will be some relief from the rain in the coming days, there is no forecast for the fog and humidity to subside. However, there is a possibility of a decrease in temperature by two to three degrees Celsius in the upcoming days.
Bihar’s weather will remain dry with a drop of 2-3 degrees Celsius in temperature and a possibility of heavy rain. During this time, fog will persist in the morning, while the sun will shine during the day. The average maximum temperature in Bihar is recorded at 23 degrees Celsius, while the average minimum temperature is 14.2 degrees Celsius. On Sunday, the maximum temperature in the district was 20 degrees Celsius, and the minimum temperature was 14.4 degrees Celsius. Foggy conditions prevailed throughout the district since morning. The state is experiencing cold weather due to surface and upper air troughs. Kumar Gaurav from the Patna Meteorological Center said that the western disturbance is likely to affect northwestern India from Monday.

पटना, बिहार का अधिकांश क्षेत्र अब कुछ और दिनों तक कोहरे के आगोश में डूबा रहेगा। रात के तापमान में 24 घंटे के बाद से दो से तीन डिग्री की गिरावट होगी। यहाँ के तापमान में आंकड़े के मुताबिक रात को छह डिग्री सेल्सियस तक की गिरावट हो रही है। बिहार के अनुसार दक्षिणी, दक्षिण-पश्चिमी और उत्तर-पश्चिमी क्षेत्रों में मध्यम से अति घना कोहरा छाया हुआ है। अगले दो दिन तक यहाँ के कई इलाकों में कोहरे की संभावना है। पटना, गया और पूर्णिया में न्यूनतम तापमान सामान्य से छह डिग्री सेल्सियस अधिक है। भागलपुर में न्यूनतम तापमान सामान्य से दो डिग्री अधिक है। दक्षिण-पश्चिम और उत्तर-पश्चिम बिहार में आने वाले दिनों में हल्की बारिश होने की संभावना है। कोहरे की वजह से बिहार में सूरज के दर्शन बहुत कम हो रहे हैं। हवा में जल वाष्प के कारण कोहरा स्थायी तौर पर छाया हुआ है और इसलिए यह छंट नहीं पा रहा है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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