In a sudden turn of events, 15 students residing in the hostel of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya in Munger, Bihar fell ill after dinner. They complained of stomach pain, vomiting, and burning sensation in the throat. The school administration immediately admitted them to a community health center for treatment. After receiving medical care, all the students were sent back to the hostel, except for one who required further treatment in the hospital. It has been reported that out of the approximately 450 students who had eaten the food, 15 of them experienced health issues.
The students were diagnosed with food poisoning, and they were treated by Dr. Ajit Kumar, who mentioned that all the students showed symptoms of food poisoning, leading to their deteriorating health. Out of the 15 affected students, 11 experienced vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, and burning sensation in the throat. After treatment, 14 students were discharged and sent back to the school, while one student with a slightly worse condition was admitted to the hospital under the supervision of doctors.
Following their treatment, the students were granted leave. Arun Kumar, a spokesperson for the Navodaya Vidyalaya, stated that around 450 students residing in the hostel had consumed the dinner at the mess. After 15 students complained of health issues, they were immediately taken to the hospital for treatment. Currently, all the students are in stable condition and have returned to the hostel.
बिहार के मुंगेर के जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय में होस्टल में रहने वाली 15 छात्राओं की अचानक तबीयत बिगड़ गई। सभी को पेट में दर्द, उल्टी और गले में जलन की शिकायत होने पर उन्हें इलाज के लिए सामुदायिक स्वास्थ केंद्र में भर्ती कराया गया। इलाज के बाद सभी को होस्टल भेज दिया गया। इसमें से एक छात्रा का इलाज अभी भी चल रहा है। विद्यालय प्रबंधन ने बताया कि करीब 450 छात्रों ने खाना खाया था, जिसमें से 15 छात्राओं की तबीयत गड़बड़ा गई। इसे फूड प्वाइजनिंग के कारण माना जा रहा है। इसमें से 14 छात्राओं को इलाज के बाद छुट्टी दी गई है, जबकि एक छात्रा को अस्पताल में एडमिट कर लिया गया है। सभी छात्राओं की स्थिति अब ठीक है और वे सभी होस्टल में वापस आ चुके हैं।