HTML Sub-Heading 1: The Success Story of Indrajit Kumar’s Food Stall

In 2011, 72-year-old Indrajit Kumar from Nalanda, along with his son, started a small food stall named Vidyarthi Nashta near the Housing Board on Bhootnath Road. Without any risk calculation or research, this food business turned out to be a success. The earnings of father and son can be estimated from the fact that the stall now employs 5-6 staff members. The shopkeeper mentions that they have hired skilled labor who are efficient in their work.

HTML Sub-Heading 2: Menu and Offerings at the Stall

At Vidyarthi Nashta, the shopkeeper, Indrajit Kumar, shares that they prepare 15 kilograms of puris made from wheat flour every morning. Apart from that, they also prepare jalebis, vegetable dishes, and raita. After breakfast, they start preparing litti, which is available from 10 am onwards. In the evening, people can also find samosas at the stall. The cost of 5 puris with vegetable, 2 jalebis, and raita is 30 rupees, while litti, langalatta, and samosas are priced at 10 rupees each.

HTML Sub-Heading 3: The Success of the Food Business

The success of Indrajit Kumar’s food stall is evident from its growth over the years. From starting with a small cart, the stall now employs multiple staff members and offers a variety of dishes. The shopkeeper attributes the success to their quality food, skilled staff, and affordable prices. This story showcases how a simple food business can thrive with dedication and hard work.

लोग आजकल किसी भी बिजनेस स्टार्टअप के पहले रिसर्च और मार्केट एनालिसिस करते हैं। इसके बाद ही वे अपने हाथों से काम करते हैं। लेकिन बिहार के पटना में नाश्ता ठेले के बिजनेस में इंद्रजीत कुमार ने बिना रिसर्च और कैलकुलेशन के अच्छा काम किया है। उनकी दुकान पर अब 5-6 स्टाफ काम कर रहे हैं और उनके द्वारा बनाई जाने वाली पूरियां, जलेबी, सब्जी, रायता, लिट्टी और समोसे आदि खाने के लिए बहुत प्रसिद्ध हो गई हैं। उनकी दुकान पर एक दो नहीं बल्कि 05-06 की संख्या में स्किल्ड लेबर स्टाफ काम करते हैं जो काम में दक्ष हैं।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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