Former Bihar minister Vrishin Patel has been demanded 50 lakh rupees by a blackmailer. The blackmailer has threatened to make obscene photos public if the money is not paid. The blackmailer claims that if the money is not given, Patel’s political future will be ruined. The incident began when a woman sent edited obscene photos to Patel’s WhatsApp, after which the demand for 50 lakh rupees was made. Patel has filed a complaint with the Economic Offences Unit.
The former minister is facing a blackmail attempt where obscene photos of him are being used as leverage. The blackmailer is demanding a large sum of money and threatening to release the photos if the demand is not met. Patel has taken the issue seriously and has taken legal action by filing a complaint with the police. This incident has put his political future at risk, as the release of such photos could potentially tarnish his reputation and affect his career.
The incident highlights the growing issue of blackmail and extortion using explicit content. It is a reminder of the importance of maintaining privacy and being cautious of the information shared online. Patel’s decision to report the incident to the authorities shows his determination to protect his reputation and hold the blackmailer accountable. The investigation into the matter is ongoing, and it remains to be seen how it will unfold and what actions will be taken to address this crime.