Changing Trends in Agriculture Sector in Bihar
In the past few years, extensive changes have been observed in the field of agriculture in Bihar. Farmers in Bihar are shifting from traditional farming to horticulture crops. The government is making continuous efforts to encourage farmers. Cultivation of fruits and flowers is becoming increasingly popular among farmers as it offers good profits in a short span of time. The government is also providing subsidies to promote this type of farming.
Cultivation of Fruits and Flowers on 175 Hectares
This year, a target has been set to cultivate fruits and flowers on a large scale in the Aurangabad district of Bihar. Under the National Horticulture Mission, the district aims to cultivate flowers on 100 hectares and fruits on 75 hectares. The application process for interested farmers has already begun, and they can apply online through the Agriculture Department’s website. This initiative is particularly beneficial for small and marginal farmers as it provides them with a better alternative to traditional crops.
Subsidies for Fruit and Flower Cultivation
Farmers engaged in papaya cultivation will receive the highest subsidy of 75% per hectare, while flower cultivation will receive a subsidy of 70%. Mango and banana cultivation will be subsidized at 50%. The government is providing financial assistance to farmers to cover a portion of the costs involved in cultivating these crops. This initiative aims to boost the production of fruits and flowers in the region and enhance the income of farmers engaged in horticulture.
औरंगाबाद जिले में फल और फूलों की खेती को बढ़ावा देने के लिए उद्यान विभाग द्वारा 175 हेक्टेयर में फल और फूल की खेती का लक्ष्य निर्धारित किया गया है। किसानों को अनुदान देने के लिए 70 फीसदी तक की सहायता भी प्रदान की जा रही है। इसके तहत पपीता, फूल, आम और गेंदा की खेती किसानों से करवाई जाएगी और उन्हें बेहतर मुनाफा प्राप्त होगा।