Ganga Vilas Cruise gets stuck in Chhapra, Bihar

The Ganga Vilas Cruise, which was en route from Varanasi to Dibrugarh, encountered a hurdle when it got stuck in Chhapra, Bihar. The low water levels in the area made it challenging to bring the cruise to the shore. As a result, alternative arrangements had to be made to ensure the safety and convenience of the passengers on board.

Difficulty due to low water levels

The Ganga Vilas Cruise faced a setback when it reached Chhapra, Bihar, as the low water levels posed a challenge for docking the cruise. The shallow waters made it difficult for the vessel to reach the shore. Consequently, the crew had to come up with alternative solutions to ensure the safety and comfort of the passengers.

Efforts to bring passengers ashore

In order to address the situation, the crew of the Ganga Vilas Cruise arranged for a small boat to ferry the foreign tourists to the shore. This enabled the passengers to disembark safely and continue their journey. The crew members worked tirelessly to ensure that the passengers faced minimal inconvenience during the unexpected hurdle.


The Ganga Vilas Cruise, on its journey from Varanasi to Dibrugarh, faced a challenging situation when it got stuck in Chhapra, Bihar due to low water levels. However, the crew managed to overcome this obstacle by arranging for a small boat to bring the passengers ashore. The safety and convenience of the tourists were prioritized, and despite the unexpected hurdle, the journey continued smoothly.

  • Ganga Vilas Cruise encountered difficulty in docking due to low water levels in Chhapra, Bihar.
  • Crew members arranged for a small boat to ferry foreign tourists to the shore.
  • The safety and comfort of passengers were prioritized during the situation.
  • Journey continued smoothly despite the unexpected hurdle.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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