Good News for Job Seekers

If you are looking for a government job, then there is good news for you. Gujarat High Court has released vacancies for various positions ranging from stenographers to others with salaries ranging from 39900-126600. To apply for these positions, visit the official website of Gujarat High Court at Notifications for different positions have been issued with details including eligibility criteria and other requirements.

Positions Available

Positions available at Gujarat High Court include English Stenographer Grade-2, Deputy Section Officer (DSO), Computer Operator, Court Attendant, Court Manager, Gujarati Stenographer Grade-2 and Grade 3 among others. The online application process for these positions started from May 22 and the deadline to apply is June 15. Candidates can make corrections to their applications from June 17-19. Each position has specific eligibility criteria such as educational qualifications and typing speed requirements.

Salary Details

For the English Stenographer position at Gujarat High Court, the salary ranges from 39900 to 126600, while for Gujarati Stenographer Grade-2, the salary is between 44900-142400. Gujarati Stenographer Grade-3 will receive a salary of 44900-126600. The salary for Computer Operator is set at 19900-63200, while Court Manager will receive a salary of 56100 and DSO will be paid 39900.

गुजरात हाईकोर्ट में भर्तियों के लिए सुनहरा मौका है। इंग्लिश स्‍टेनो ग्रेड-2, डिप्‍टी सेक्‍शन ऑफिसर, कंप्‍यूटर ऑपरेटर, कोर्ट अटेंडेंट, कोर्ट मैनेजर, गुजराती स्‍टेनो ग्रेड-2 और ग्रेड 3 पदों पर 39900-126600 तक की सैलरी के साथ भर्तियां निकली हैं। आवेदन की प्रक्रिया 22 मई से शुरू है और 15 जून तक कर सकते हैं। योग्यता और अन्य जानकारी के लिए गुजरात हाईकोर्ट की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जांच करें। इसके साथ ही अलग-अलग पदों की सैलरी भी निर्धारित की गई है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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