Main Points:
1. Heatwave in Bihar has led to a health crisis for teachers and students, with temperatures ranging from 42 to 48 degrees Celsius. In various schools across different districts of the state, a total of 337 people, including children and teachers, fell ill. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar issued an order in response to this situation.
2. The order stated that all government and private schools, anganwadis, and coaching centers up to class eight will remain closed. Following the issuance of the order, the Education Department released a new directive specifying that educational activities in all schools will be suspended from May 30 to June 8. However, all principals, headmasters, and teachers are required to be present at the school from 6 am to 12:30 pm.
3. The heatwave has caused widespread health issues in Bihar, prompting the government to take action to protect the well-being of students and teachers. The closure of schools aims to prevent further heat-related illnesses and ensure the safety of all individuals involved in the education system.
4. The decision to close schools in Bihar due to the extreme heatwave reflects the government’s prioritization of public health and safety. By implementing these measures, the authorities are working to mitigate the impact of the heatwave and protect the vulnerable population, particularly children and educators.
बिहार में तेज गर्मी के कारण बच्चे और शिक्षकों की स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं बढ़ रही हैं, जिसके चलते मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार ने एक आदेश जारी किया है। इस आदेश के तहत सभी सरकारी और निजी स्कूल, आंगनबाड़ी और कोचिंग संस्थान 30 मई से 8 जून तक बंद रहेंगे, लेकिन शिक्षकों को स्कूल में रहना होगा। उन्हें सुबह छह बजे से दोपहर डेढ़ बजे तक स्कूल में होना होगा।