Heatwave Claims 28 Lives in Jharkhand
Due to the intense heatwave in Jharkhand over the past 24 hours, 28 people have lost their lives. Among the districts affected, eight people died in Palamu and Chatra, five in Garhwa, three in Kolhan districts, two in Dhanbad, and one each in Hazaribagh and Ramgarh. This comes after five deaths on May 29 and 14 deaths on May 30, bringing the total death toll in the state to 47 by Friday night.
Weather Changes Bring Relief in Some Areas
While Palamu, Garhwa, and Latehar continue to experience severe heatwave conditions, there have been changes in the weather in Ranchi. Cloud cover throughout the day has led to a maximum temperature of 35.6 degrees Celsius. Alerts for heatwaves have been issued in Palamu, Garhwa, and Latehar for Saturday. However, thunderstorms and lightning incidents may occur in other parts of the state.
Temperature Drops Due to Weather Changes
The state saw a drop in temperatures in various regions due to changes in the weather over the past 24 hours. Some areas experienced heavy rain along with strong winds. The maximum temperature in Jamshedpur was 31.0 degrees Celsius, while Santal regions saw temperatures around 34.1 degrees Celsius. The Meteorological Department has issued a heatwave alert for Palamu and Garhwa.
Contrasting Weather Conditions in Palamu and Santal
While Palamu is reeling under a heatwave, the Santal regions are experiencing thunderstorms and rainfall. The difference in temperature within a few kilometers in the state results in varying weather conditions. Due to the distance from the Bay of Bengal, regions like Palamu, Garhwa, Chatra, and Latehar often do not receive the benefits of weather systems formed in the Bay of Bengal. The lack of impact leads to lesser rainfall in these areas. Additionally, the influence of warm westerly winds from the plains of Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar directly affects these regions.
झारखंड में लू और जानलेवा हो गयी है, जिसके कारण पिछले 24 घंटों में 28 लोगों की मौत हो गयी। गर्मी के कारण पलामू, चतरा, गढ़वा, कोल्हान, धनबाद, हजारीबाग और रामगढ़ में लोगों की मौत हुई। मौसम में बदलाव आया है और रांची में दिनभर बादल छाए रहे हैं। राज्य के अन्य हिस्सों में भी तापमान में गिरावट आई है। विभिन्न जगहों पर तेज हवा के साथ बारिश हुई है। इससे तापमान में कुछ गिरावट आई है, लेकिन पलामू में लू चल रही है जबकि संताल के क्षेत्रों में आंधी और बारिश हो रही है। इस अंतर के कारण इन इलाकों में गर्मी का असर कम हो रहा है।