BPSSC SI Exam Date and Admit Card 2023: The Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission (BPSSC) has released the exam schedule for the recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in the Prohibition and Vigilance departments under advertisement number 03/2023. According to the notification, the exam will be conducted on January 28 from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm. The commission has also announced the dates for the release of admit cards.

HTML Subheading: Exam Schedule and Admit Card Details

The BPSSC has announced the exam date for the recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in the Prohibition and Vigilance departments. The exam will be held on January 28 from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm. Candidates who have applied for these positions should note the date and time of the exam. It is important to be present at the exam center on time.

HTML Subheading: Admit Card Release Dates

The Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission has also announced the dates for the release of admit cards. Candidates can download their admit cards from the official website of BPSSC. The admit cards will be available for download a few days before the exam date. It is important for candidates to carry their admit cards to the exam center along with a valid ID proof.

HTML Subheading: Important Instructions for Candidates

Candidates appearing for the BPSSC SI exam should follow the instructions mentioned in the admit card. They should reach the exam center on time and carry all the required documents. Candidates should also follow the dress code mentioned in the admit card. Any violation of the rules may lead to disqualification from the exam.

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In Short, the Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission has announced the exam date and admit card release dates for the recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in the Prohibition and Vigilance departments. Candidates should stay updated with the official website of BPSSC for any further updates or notifications regarding the exam.

बिहार पुलिस अधीनस्थ सेवा आयोग (BPSSC) ने निषेध और सतर्कता विभागों में पुलिस उप-निरीक्षक के पदों पर भर्ती के लिए परीक्षा कार्यक्रम जारी किया है। इस परीक्षा का आयोजन 28 जनवरी को सुबह 11 बजे से दोपहर 1 बजे तक होगा। विज्ञापन के अनुसार, उम्मीदवारों के लिए एडमिट कार्ड भी जारी किए जाएंगे।

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