Effect of Cyclone Michoung still persists in Jharkhand. The sky will remain cloudy and foggy. Rainfall is occurring in various parts of the state, including the capital city Ranchi. Light rain is expected in several parts of the state today as well. In the past 24 hours, intermittent rainfall has been observed in many areas. There has also been a decrease in temperature in several regions, leading to increased coldness.
Maximum rainfall was recorded in the capital city Ranchi in the past 24 hours. The temperature drop has resulted in increased coldness in the region. The impact of Cyclone Michoung is still being felt in the state as heavy clouds continue to cover the sky. The state capital and many other areas are experiencing rainfall, which is expected to continue in the coming days.
The continuous rainfall has brought down the temperature, making the weather colder. The state has witnessed a significant drop in temperature due to the ongoing showers. Many parts of Jharkhand have experienced intermittent rainfall for the past 24 hours, leading to a decrease in temperature. The drop in temperature has resulted in increased coldness, making it necessary for people to take precautions and protect themselves from the cold weather.
The impact of Cyclone Michoung can still be seen in Jharkhand, with cloudy skies and foggy conditions prevailing. The continuous rainfall has resulted in a decrease in temperature, leading to a rise in coldness. The state capital Ranchi and various other regions are receiving rainfall, and light showers are expected to continue. The intermittent rainfall and temperature drop have made the weather colder, urging people to be cautious and stay warm.
24 घंटे में 43 मिमी, हजारीबाग में 40 मिमी, भोखर्डागा में 34 मिमी और चत्रा में 32 मिमी रही। जबकि पालामू में 29 मिमी, गिरिडीह में 27 मिमी और लातेहार में 26 मिमी बारिश हुई। चक्रवाती तूफान मिचौंग का असर जारी है और राज्य में आगे भी बारिश की संभावना है।