Big changes are expected in the weather in Bihar after the serious cyclone Michong, which originated from the Bay of Bengal, affected the region for two days. The feeling of December is now coming. There will be a significant drop in temperature and the cold will increase. Dr. Ashish Kumar, a senior scientist at the Weather Science Center in Patna, said that after the rain, the weather will clear up, but there is a forecast of a gradual decrease of 3-5°C in the minimum temperature of the state over the next three days.

According to the Weather Science Center, the weather today is expected to be dry after the cyclone. The sun will shine but there will be a decrease in temperature. On December 8 and 9, there is a forecast of light to moderate fog in most parts of the state during the morning. During this time, the maximum temperature in the southwest and south-central parts is expected to be between 24 and 26 degrees Celsius, and the minimum temperature is expected to be between 14 and 16 degrees Celsius.

In addition, the maximum temperature in the remaining parts is expected to be between 26 and 28 degrees Celsius, and the minimum temperature is expected to be between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius. In the morning, there is fog and partial clouds in Patna. In the past 24 hours, it has been raining heavily throughout Bihar, including Patna. The highest rainfall has been recorded in Gaya district. Due to the clouds and the sun’s rays not reaching the earth, there has been a decrease of 3-4°C in the maximum temperature and an increase in the minimum temperature.

On Thursday, the maximum temperature in the state was recorded at 27°C in Kishanganj, while the minimum temperature was recorded at 13.6 degrees Celsius in Motihari. The maximum temperature in Patna was recorded at 25°C and the minimum temperature was recorded at 18°C. It rained throughout the day and the residents of Patna did not get any sunshine.

बंगाल की खाड़ी से उठा गंभीर चक्रवाती तूफान मिचौंग के बाद अब बिहार में तापमान में बदलाव होने की संभावना है। दिसंबर की फीलिंग आने वाली है और तापमान में गिरावट होगी और ठंड बढ़ेगी। न्यूनतम तापमान में 3-5°C की गिरावट का पूर्वानुमान है। चक्रवाती तूफान के बाद आज का मौसम शुष्क रहेगा और तापमान में गिरावट होगी। आज के दौरान राज्य के अधिकांश भागों में हल्के से मध्यम स्तर का कुहासा छाए रहने की संभावना है। अगले तीन दिनों तक तापमान कम रहेगा। पटना में सुबह में कोहरा और आंशिक बादल छाए हुए हैं। पिछले 24 घंटों में पटना सहित बिहार के अधिकांश हिस्सों में बारिश हुई है। गुरुवार को राज्य का अधिकतम तापमान 27°C किशनगंज में रहा है। न्यूनतम तापमान 13.6 डिग्री सेल्सियस मोतिहारी में दर्ज हुआ है।

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