Muzaffarpur: New Emergency Ward to be Built at SKMCH
SKMCH in Muzaffarpur will now have a new 200-bed emergency ward to address the shortage of beds in the hospital. Currently, there are only 45 beds in the emergency ward, leading to patients not getting beds according to their requirements. The proposal for this new ward has been prepared and will be passed in the next meeting of the patient welfare committee.
Bed Shortage Leads to Treatment on the Floor
Every day, around 500 patients visit the emergency ward at SKMCH. Due to the shortage of beds, patients are sometimes treated on the floor. Patients from various districts in North Bihar, as well as those referred from PHCs, come to SKMCH for treatment. After the new 200-bed emergency ward is operational, it will be the largest emergency care unit in North and East Bihar.
Lifts to be Installed for Patients at SKMCH
The director mentioned that a lift will be installed at SKMCH for the convenience of patients, especially those with disabilities. The proposal for shifting the emergency ward to another location is also under consideration. The patient welfare committee will review and approve these proposals in their next meeting. Additionally, SKMCH is installing wheelchair ramps and lifts for the benefit of disabled patients.
मुजफ्फरपुर के एसकेएमसीएच में अब जमीन पर किसी का इलाज नहीं होगा, क्योंकि अब वहां 200 बेड का नया इमरजेंसी वार्ड बनाया जाएगा। 45 बेड वाले इमरजेंसी में बेड की कमी के कारण मरीजों को जमीन पर ही इलाज कराना पड़ता था। इससे उन्हें चिकित्सीय सुविधा मिलने में दिक्कत होती थी। नए इमरजेंसी वार्ड के बनने के बाद एसकेएमसीएच उत्तर बिहार का सबसे बड़ा इमरजेंसी केयर यूनिट बन जाएगा। इसके अलावा अस्पताल में दिव्यांग मरीजों के लिए व्हील चेयर और लिफ्ट भी लगाए जाएंगे।