RIMS Management Initiatives for Patient Welfare
RIMS management has initiated efforts to improve patient welfare by preparing to remove the Radiology and Pathology centers that have been operating in RIMS for years. The decision was taken in a GB meeting to scrutinize the agreement dedicated by M/s Medall Lab and Health Map for services, and recommend their removal from RIMS to the state government.
Decision to Stop Services of Medall Lab and Health Map
After the decision, the management has ceased providing benefits to both companies at RIMS. The central lab at RIMS has been refurbished for OPD and admitted patients to conduct various tests including blood and urine tests. Despite this, a larger number of patients continue to opt for Medall Lab for testing due to convenience.
New Diagnostic Hub to be Established
A centralized diagnostic hub will be established in the hospital area to facilitate various pathological, biochemical, radiological, and other tests for RIMS patients. The new arrangement will help patients avoid the hassle of moving around for different tests and will enhance diagnostic services at RIMS.
Allegations of Corruption against Medall Lab
Allegations of corruption involving a 200 crore scam have surfaced against Medall Lab, prompting a departmental investigation. The decision to remove both centers was made in a GB meeting with the aim of streamlining operations at RIMS and ensuring proper management of diagnostic facilities.
रिम्स प्रबंधन ने मरीज हित में व्यवस्था में सुधार लाने की दिशा में शुरुआत की है। इसी कड़ी में प्रबंधन अब रिम्स में सालों से जमी रेडियोलॉजी व पैथोलॉजी सेंटर्स को हटाने की तैयारी में है। इसके बाद से प्रबंधन ने दोनों कंपनियों को रिम्स का लाभ देना बंद कर दिया है। नई व्यवस्था जल्द, डायग्नोटिक हब में एक ही जगह होगी सभी जांच। इसके लिए अस्पताल क्षेत्र में केंद्रीकृत डॉयग्नोस्टिक हब का निर्माण किया जाएगा। रिम्स निदेशक डॉ. राजकुमार ने कहा कि मेडॉल और हेल्थ मैप के हटने से पहले ही रिम्स में यह नई व्यवस्था शुरू कर दी जाएगी।