Income Tax department has conducted raids on 10 locations in Jharkhand, Odisha, and West Bengal. Congress MP Dhiraj Sahu and his relatives and associates have been found to possess more than 300 crores in cash in these 10 locations from the three states. The raid was conducted on properties associated with Baldev Sahu and Group. The directorate has been involved in the operation.
The Income Tax department has carried out a raid on multiple locations in Jharkhand, Odisha, and West Bengal. The raid has resulted in the discovery of over 300 crores in cash at 10 different addresses linked to Congress MP Dhiraj Sahu and his relatives and close associates. These properties are associated with Baldev Sahu and Group, and the directorate has been leading the operation.
In a major operation, the Income Tax department has conducted raids on 10 addresses in Jharkhand, Odisha, and West Bengal. The raid has led to the seizure of cash amounting to more than 300 crores. These addresses are linked to Congress MP Dhiraj Sahu and his relatives and associates. The operation has been carried out in properties associated with Baldev Sahu and Group, with the directorate taking charge.
The Income Tax department has conducted a raid on 10 locations in Jharkhand, Odisha, and West Bengal. The raid has resulted in the seizure of over 300 crores in cash from properties associated with Congress MP Dhiraj Sahu and his relatives and close associates. The operation has been led by the directorate and is linked to Baldev Sahu and Group.
साहू ग्रुप के बलदेव साहू, अशोक साहू, दिनेश साहू, और उनके परिवार सदस्य शामिल हैं। इस छापेमारी के दौरान, आयकर विभाग ने उनके निवासीय स्थानों के अलावा कंपनियों, दुकानों, और संबंधित संपत्तियों में छापेमारी की है। इसके साथ ही, आयकर विभाग ने कई दस्तावेजों, खातों, और अन्य मानदंडों से संबंधित विवरण भी हथियाए हैं। इस छापेमारी के बाद, आयकर विभाग धीरज साहू और उनके संबंधितों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई कर सकता है।