Income tax raids were conducted on Wednesday at six locations linked to Congress Rajya Sabha MP Dhiraj Sahu in three states. The raids resulted in the seizure of cash bundles worth more than 100 crore rupees from these addresses. The counting of notes had already been completed up to 50 crore rupees by yesterday, but the machines stopped working due to the high volume of notes. Counting has resumed this morning. Some bank accounts in Sambalpur have also been frozen as part of the investigation.

The income tax department had conducted a search operation on Wednesday in Lohardaga, Jharkhand, where bundles of seized notes were found. The raids were carried out by an income tax team. The counting of notes had already been completed up to 50 crore rupees, but the machines stopped working due to the large quantity of notes. Counting has now resumed, and it is reported that more than 100 crore rupees have been seized.

Congress Rajya Sabha MP Dhiraj Sahu’s properties in three states were raided by the income tax department on Wednesday. The raids resulted in the seizure of cash bundles worth more than 100 crore rupees. The counting of notes had initially been completed up to 50 crore rupees, but due to the high volume of notes, the machines stopped working. Counting has now resumed, and investigations are ongoing.

As part of an ongoing investigation, income tax raids were conducted at six locations linked to Congress Rajya Sabha MP Dhiraj Sahu in three states. The raids resulted in the seizure of cash bundles worth more than 100 crore rupees. The counting of notes had already been completed up to 50 crore rupees, but the machines stopped working due to the large quantity of notes. Counting has now resumed, and some bank accounts in Sambalpur have also been frozen.

ने जारी की थी और उसके बाद से नोटों की गिनती जारी है। इसके अलावा, कुछ बैंक अकाउंट को भी सीज कर लिया गया है। इस छापे के माध्यम से सांसद धीरज साहू से जुड़े ठिकानों से बरामद नोटों की गिनती जारी है और आयकर विभाग द्वारा ठिकानों से एक सौ करोड़ रुपए से अधिक की बरामदगी की गई है। यह छापा बुधवार से शुरू हुआ है और आज भी जारी है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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