Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP Dhiraj Sahu’s residences in Ranchi and Lohardaga, along with five other locations, were raided by the Income Tax Department on Wednesday. The team from the department conducted a search operation and seized a significant amount of cash from Sahu’s properties.

Cash seized from Sahu’s residences:
During the raid, the Income Tax Department team discovered a substantial amount of cash at Sahu’s residences in Ranchi and Lohardaga. The exact amount of cash seized has not been disclosed yet, but it is believed to be a significant sum. The raid was part of an ongoing investigation into alleged financial irregularities.

Congress leader under investigation:
Dhiraj Sahu, a prominent Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP, is currently under investigation by the Income Tax Department. The raid on his residences is seen as a major development in the ongoing probe. The department is looking into possible financial irregularities and the source of the cash found during the raid.

No Short provided:

No Short or final outcome has been provided regarding the raid on Dhiraj Sahu’s residences. The investigation is still ongoing, and further details are expected to emerge in due course. The raid and seizure of cash from the Congress leader’s properties highlight the efforts being made by the Income Tax Department to curb financial irregularities and enforce tax compliance.

कांग्रेस नेता और राज्यसभा सांसद धीरज साहू के रांची और लोहरदगा स्थित आवास सहित पांच ठिकानों पर बुधवार को आयकर विभाग की टीम ने छापेमारी की। इस छापे के दौरान सांसद के ठिकानों से भारी मात्रा में कैश बरामद किया गया।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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