Jharkhand Congress MP Dheeraj Sahu’s properties and businesses are being raided by the Income Tax Department. The raids were conducted at the residence of the Congress MP and his family, as well as at their business addresses. It has been reported that Rs. 150 crore in cash was seized from a liquor company in Odisha. During the raid at the Baldev Sahu and Group of Companies’ office in Balangir, officers were surprised to find cash-filled lockers. The company is a partnership firm of Boudh Distillery Private Limited (BDPL).
Raids were conducted at multiple locations including the residence of Sushila Neketan in Ranchi’s Radium Road, as well as addresses in Balangir, Sambalpur, and Kalahandi in Odisha. Employees who arrived at the MP’s residence in Radium Road to work were also sent back by the Income Tax Department officials. The IT team also scrutinized documents at the residence in Lohardaga. During the raids, no one was allowed to enter the premises, and the IT department team worked on examining the documents from morning till late at night.
Dheeraj Sahu is a three-time MP from Jharkhand and a former leader of the Congress party. He started his political career as a student leader in 1977. Before becoming a Rajya Sabha MP for the third time, he served as a Rajya Sabha MP from 2010 to 2016. In 2018, he won as a joint opposition candidate in Jharkhand. Sahu has also been a member of the Jharkhand Congress Committee from 2003 to 2005.
The Income Tax Department is conducting raids on the properties of Rungta Group in Ramgarh. The company has a sponge iron plant in Ghutua, Hehal in Sirka, Karma in Kuzu, and Saruberia in Ramgarh district. Raids are being conducted at the Ramgarh office including Ghutua, Hehal, and Sirka. As per the available information, officers have entered Hehal with four vehicles. Police have been stationed at the gate. The raid started on Thursday morning and there is a sense of panic. No information has been provided so far, and media access has been restricted. It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time that the company’s plant and office have been raided.
झारखंड के कांग्रेस सांसद धीरज साहू पर इनकम टैक्स विभाग द्वारा छापेमारी की गई है। इसके साथ ही उनके पारिवारिक और कारोबारी ठिकानों पर भी छापेमारी की गई है। ओडिशा स्थित शराब कंपनी से 150 करोड़ रुपए कैश बरामद किया गया है। छापामारी के दौरान बलदेव साहू एंड ग्रुप ऑफ कंपनीज के कार्यालय में भी अधिकारी हैरान रहे। इसके अलावा रांची, ओडिशा के बलांगीर, संबलपुर और कालाहांडी में भी धीरज साहू के ठिकानों पर छापेमारी की गई है। धीरज साहू तीसरी बार के राज्यसभा सांसद हैं और वे कांग्रेस के पुराने नेता हैं। अभी रूंगटा के ठिकानों पर भी छापेमारी चल रही है।