Income tax department teams have reached the homes of Congress Rajya Sabha member Dhiraj Sahu in Ranchi. According to the information received so far, this is a survey. The survey is being conducted in both Sahu’s homes in Lohardaga and Ranchi. It is being conducted in a total of five locations, including one in Ranchi, one in Lohardaga, and three in Odisha. The income tax department team has also arrived at Sushila Niketan located on Radium Road in the capital city Ranchi. The team arrived at all five locations of the Rajya Sabha member in the morning.

The income tax department has conducted a survey at the residences of Congress Rajya Sabha member Dhiraj Sahu in Ranchi. The survey is currently underway at both his homes in Lohardaga and Ranchi. It is being conducted at a total of five locations, including Ranchi, Lohardaga, and three places in Odisha. The team from the income tax department also visited Sushila Niketan in Ranchi’s Radium Road. They arrived at all five locations in the morning.

Congress Rajya Sabha member Dhiraj Sahu’s homes in Ranchi and Lohardaga have been surveyed by the income tax department. The survey is being conducted at a total of five addresses, including Ranchi, Lohardaga, and three places in Odisha. The team from the income tax department has also reached Sushila Niketan on Radium Road in Ranchi. The survey started in the morning and covers all five locations of the Rajya Sabha member.

The income tax department has initiated a survey at the residences of Dhiraj Sahu, a Rajya Sabha member from Congress, in both Ranchi and Lohardaga. A total of five locations are being surveyed, including Ranchi, Lohardaga, and three places in Odisha. The team from the income tax department has also reached Sushila Niketan on Radium Road in Ranchi. The survey began in the morning and includes all five addresses of the Rajya Sabha member.

आयकर सर्वे कर रही है। धीरज साहू के घरों पर यह सर्वे के दौरान उनके परिवार सदस्यों से बातचीत भी हो रही है। इस सर्वे के पीछे की वजह और आयकर विभाग की टीम के आगमन की जानकारी अभी तक मिली नहीं है। इससे पहले भी ऐसे मामलों में आयकर विभाग की टीमें राज्यसभा सांसदों के घर में इंवेस्टिगेशन कार्रवाई कर चुकी हैं। अभी तक यह सर्वे के नतीजे के बारे में कोई जानकारी नहीं है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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