Increased Number of Patients Suffering from Cold, Cough, and Joint Pain in Hospitals

Due to the cold weather, there has been an increase in the number of patients suffering from cold, cough, and joint pain in hospitals. Additionally, there has also been a rise in the number of patients with conditions such as paralysis, heart attacks, and brain strokes. This increase in patient numbers is evident in almost all hospitals in the city, including the government Ayurvedic college hospital, where the number of patients with cold, cough, and joint pain has significantly increased.

Tips for Staying Fit by Dr. Rambabu Paswan

Dr. Rambabu Paswan, a doctor at the government Ayurvedic hospital, has provided tips for staying fit. He advises people to take precautions to prevent common illnesses such as cold, cough, and joint pain. He suggests maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and avoiding exposure to cold weather. These tips can help individuals stay healthy and reduce the risk of falling ill during the winter season.

Increased Number of Patients in Hospitals

The increase in the number of patients suffering from cold, cough, and joint pain, as well as other serious conditions, has put a strain on hospitals in the city. Almost all hospitals, including the government Ayurvedic college hospital, are seeing a higher number of patients. This surge in patient numbers highlights the need for adequate medical facilities and resources to provide proper care and treatment to those in need.

Importance of Seeking Medical Attention

It is important for individuals experiencing symptoms of cold, cough, joint pain, or any other health issues to seek medical attention promptly. Timely diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications and ensure a speedy recovery. By visiting hospitals and consulting with healthcare professionals, individuals can receive the necessary care and guidance to manage their health effectively.

कि ठंड के मौसम में सर्दी, जुकाम और जॉइंट पेन के मरीजों की संख्या अस्पतालों में बढ़ गई है। इसके अलावा लकवा, हार्ट अटैक और ब्रेन स्ट्रोक के मरीज भी अधिक हो गए हैं। यह समस्या शहर के सभी अस्पतालों में देखी जा रही है, जहां राजकीय आयुर्वेदिक कॉलेज अस्पताल में भी सर्दी, खांसी और जॉइंट पेन के मरीजों की संख्या बढ़ गई है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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