Indian cricket team’s fast bowler, Mukesh Kumar, has tied the knot. The wedding took place on Tuesday, as Mukesh married Divya in the Kakad Kund village of the Sadar block in Gopalganj. The couple exchanged vows and became life partners by performing the traditional seven rounds around the sacred fire. The district council president, Subhash Singh, performed the ritual of placing the bride’s hand on the groom’s forehead.

The wedding ceremony took place at the Radiant Resort in Gorakhpur on Tuesday night. The couple celebrated their union with family and friends in a grand ceremony. Mukesh Kumar is known for his exceptional bowling skills and has been a valuable asset to the Indian cricket team. His wedding marks an important milestone in his personal life.

Mukesh Kumar and Divya’s wedding was a joyous occasion filled with traditional rituals and celebrations. The couple looked radiant as they exchanged vows and embarked on their journey as life partners. The presence of district council president, Subhash Singh, added a touch of grandeur to the ceremony. The wedding reception was held at the luxurious Radiant Resort in Gorakhpur, where the couple celebrated their union with loved ones.

The wedding of Mukesh Kumar and Divya is a significant event for both the couple and their families. Mukesh Kumar’s prowess as a fast bowler has earned him recognition and admiration in the world of cricket. His marriage marks a new chapter in his life, as he begins his journey as a husband and life partner. The couple’s union was celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm, making it a memorable occasion for all involved.

भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम के गेंदबाज मुकेश कुमार ने गोपालगंज के सदर प्रखंड के काकड़ कुंड गांव में दिव्या के साथ शादी की रस्में संपन्न की। इस शादी में दिव्या के भसुर बन गुरहथी की रस्म निभाई गई और शादी रेडियंट रिसोर्ट में आयोजित की गई।

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