JAC 9th Result 2024 Declared
The Jharkhand Academic Council has released the results of the 9th examination today, May 17, 2024. This year, a total of 98.39% of students have passed the JAC Jharkhand Board’s 9th examination in 2024. Girls have outperformed boys in the JAC 9th result, with girls achieving a pass percentage of 98.44% compared to boys’ 98.33%. Students who appeared for the JAC Jharkhand Board 9th exam can check their results on the official websites of JAC Board jacresults.com and jac.jharkhand.gov.in.
Direct Link ★JAC 9th Result 2024 Link
The website server is busy: Due to the high number of students trying to check their results simultaneously, the Jharkhand Board’s website server has crashed. As of now, the websites jacresults.com and jac.jharkhand.gov.in are not accessible. Students are advised to wait for some time and try checking their results in the evening.
JAC 9th and 11th Class Results
The Jharkhand Academic Council has also declared the results of Class 11 along with the 9th examination. Students who have passed the 9th and 11th classes will be promoted to the 10th and 12th classes respectively. Every year, more than 4 lakh students register for the Jharkhand Board 9th examination. This year, too, more than 4 lakh students appeared for the 9th exams. To pass the 9th class, students must score a minimum of 33%. Those who score less than this will be considered fail and will not be promoted to the next class.
झारखंड एकेडमिक काउंसिल ने आज, 17 मई 2024 को JAC 9वीं कक्षा का परिणाम घोषित किया है, जिसमें 98.39% छात्र सफल हुए हैं। लड़कियों ने भी इस बार लड़कों को पीछे छोड़ा है और झारखंड बोर्ड ने रिजल्ट देखने के लिए ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर डायरेक्ट लिंक दिया है। छात्रों को अगली कक्षा में प्रोन्नत होने के लिए 33% अंक लाने की आवश्यकता है। वेबसाइट के भीड़-भाड़ के कारण सर्वर डाउन हो गया है, लेकिन छात्रों को थोड़ी देर इंतजार करने के लिए कहा जा रहा है। झारखंड बोर्ड ने 9वीं के साथ कक्षा 11 के परिणाम भी घोषित किए हैं।