Former Member of Parliament and leader of the Jan Adhikar Party (JAP), Pappu Yadav, has been sentenced to one year in prison and fined Rs. 10,000 by the MP-MLA Court. It is reported that Pappu Yadav was already in Beur Jail in connection with another case. During an inspection of Beur Jail by the Patna Police on December 8, 2004, an earphone and mobile phone were seized from Pappu Yadav. Subsequently, a case was filed at the Fulwari Sharif police station. The MP-MLA Court heard the case.
During the hearing at the MP-MLA Court, witnesses and evidence were presented by the prosecution. After 19 years, Pappu Yadav was found guilty by the MP-MLA Court. After being found guilty, the court sentenced him to one year in prison and imposed a fine of Rs. 10,000. However, Pappu Yadav was granted immediate bail in this case. If he fails to pay the fine of Rs. 10,000, he will have to serve an additional month in prison.
जन अधिकार पार्टी (जाप) के संरक्षक और पूर्व सांसद पप्पू यादव को एमपी-एमएलए कोर्ट ने एक साल की सजा और दस हजार का जुर्माना सुनाया है। यह एक केस में हुआ है जिसमें पप्पू यादव के पास से एक ईयर फोन और मोबाइल फोन बरामद हुआ था। इसके बाद फुलवारीशरीफ थाने में केस दर्ज हुआ और एमपी-एमएलए कोर्ट में सुनवाई हुई। कोर्ट ने पप्पू यादव को दोषी ठहराया और उन्हें एक साल की सजा और 10 हजार रुपये की आर्थिक दंड सुनाई।