Former Union Minister and MP Jayant Sinha has responded to the letter from BJP’s Jharkhand Secretary Aditya Sahu, stating that due to personal commitments abroad, he had cast his vote through postal ballot process. If the party wanted him to participate in any electoral activities, they could have definitely contacted him. However, after his announcement on March 2, not a single senior party official, MP, or MLA from Jharkhand reached out to him. He was not invited to any party events, rallies, or organizational meetings.
Prior to this, the Bharatiya Janata Party issued a notice to Jayant Sinha on Monday for not participating in election campaigning after Manish Jaiswal was declared as the candidate from the Hazaribagh Lok Sabha seat, citing reasons for tarnishing the party’s image. Jayant Sinha, the son of former Union Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha, is the current MP from Hazaribagh.
BJP’s State Secretary Aditya Sahu stated in the notice that ever since the party announced Manish Sinha as the candidate from the Hazaribagh Lok Sabha seat, you have shown no interest in organizational activities and election campaigning. It was also deemed inappropriate for you to exercise your voting right. Your behavior has damaged the party’s image. The party had sought clarification from Jayant Sinha within two days.
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Response to BJP Secretary’s Letter
Former Union Minister and MP Jayant Sinha responded to BJP’s Jharkhand Secretary Aditya Sahu’s letter, explaining his absenteeism in electoral activities due to personal commitments abroad, highlighting lack of contact from the party post his March 2 announcement.
Notice for Non-Participation
Bharatiya Janata Party issued a notice to Jayant Sinha for not partaking in election campaigning after Manish Jaiswal was declared as the candidate from the Hazaribagh Lok Sabha seat, citing reasons to protect the party’s image, given his absence in party events and rallies.
Party’s Clarification Demand
BJP’s State Secretary Aditya Sahu stated in the notice that Jayant Sinha’s conduct has tarnished the party’s image, demanding clarification within two days for not participating in party activities and election campaigning despite the party’s announcement of another candidate from Hazaribagh seat.
भाजपा के पूर्व केंद्रीय मंत्री और सांसद जयंत सिन्हा ने भाजपा के झारखंड महासचिव आदित्य साहू के पत्र का जवाब दिया है। उन्होंने अपनी व्यक्तिगत प्रतिबद्धताओं के कारण विदेश होने की वजह से मतदान किया था और चुनावी गतिविधियों में भाग नहीं लेने के लिए नोटिस जारी किया गया था। उन्होंने उनकी विवादित कर्मचारी भूमिका के लिए पार्टी से स्पष्टीकरण मांगा था।