Jharkhand Weather: Clouds will clear from Monday in Jharkhand and the state will experience a drop in temperature. There will be an increase in cold winds from the west. During the next three days, there could be a decrease of two to three degrees in minimum temperature. During this time, the minimum temperature in the state could reach 11.0 degrees. According to the weather department, the sky will clear from Sunday night. After that, the direction of the cold winds coming from the west and north will be towards Jharkhand, leading to a drop in temperature. Saturday was the coldest day in Khunti, with a recorded minimum temperature of 12.1 degrees. Ranchi recorded a minimum temperature of 12.2 degrees. Light clouds are still present in the northern and western parts of the state, with a change in wind direction.
During the next 24 hours, there is a possibility of partial cloud cover. With the changing weather, there is a change in wind direction. The western and cold winds are causing a decrease in minimum temperature. On Saturday, Ranchi recorded a decrease of about four degrees in maximum temperature. In several parts of the state, there is a possibility of light clouds on Sunday morning. After the clouds clear, there could be further decrease in minimum temperature during the next four days. This could result in an increase in coldness during the night and morning. Ranchi recorded the lowest temperature on Sunday. Compared to the last 24 hours, there was a decrease of more than 3.0 degrees in the minimum temperature. Khunti recorded the lowest temperature of 12.1 degrees, while the maximum temperature increased due to sunlight during the day. It was recorded as 12.2 degrees Celsius. There is an increase in maximum temperature in other parts of the state. According to the weather department, after the clouds clear, there will be an increase in cold winds from the west and north, leading to an increase in coldness.
Meteorologist Abhishek Anand said, “Partial clouds are present in many parts of the state, including the northern and western regions. These could persist for the next 24 hours. After that, the clouds will clear and there will be an increase in coldness in the entire state, including Ranchi. The minimum temperature could drop below average.”
झारखंड में सोमवार से बादल छंट जाएंगे और राज्य में ठंड के साथ कनकनी बढ़ेगी। अगले तीन दिनों के दौरान न्यूनतम तापमान में दो से तीन डिग्री की कमी आ सकती है। रविवार की रात से आसमान साफ हो जाएगा और पश्चिम और उत्तर से आनेवाली सर्द हवाओं का रुख झारखंड की ओर होगा। रांची में न्यूनतम तापमान 12.2 डिग्री रहा है और रविवार को इसमें 3.0 डिग्री से अधिक गिरावट दर्ज की गई है। राज्य के कई हिस्सों में रविवार की सुबह भी हल्के बादल छाने की संभावना है। बादल छंटने के बाद पश्चिम और उत्तर से हवाओं के आने से यहां कनकनी में वृद्धि होगी।