As the 2014 Lok Sabha elections draw near, politicians are seen intensifying their preparations. In this series, former MP and TMC leader Kirti Azad visited his residence in Darbhanga and met with people. In response to the demand to ban halal meat products in Bihar by Union Minister Giriraj Singh, Kirti Azad strongly objected. He sarcastically said that the minister’s statement is like a joke that makes people laugh. If halal meat is associated with terrorism, then why is the central government not investigating it through the NIA? If any law has been violated or the matter is related to terrorism, then it should be immediately stopped and action should be taken.

Kirti Azad accused Minister Giriraj Singh of only talking nonsense and wasting time. He advised the minister to bring up the issue in the cabinet meeting and let the central government make the decision. He said that as a minister, Giriraj Singh’s Hindu-Muslim rhetoric does not work, and now he has brought up the issue of halal. These people keep searching for new issues that divide the country. Here, the government is engaging in rhetoric to divert attention from issues like inflation and unemployment.

Kirti Azad pointed out that there are many products labeled as halal in the market. If it is legal, then there is no problem. But if it is illegal or wrong, then the central government should take action and ban it. There is no need to politicize it or turn it into a Hindu-Muslim issue. These people only want to create chaos and gain votes by setting fire to the country. Kirti Azad also mentioned that India is the largest exporter of beef, and Uttar Pradesh, where the BJP government is in power, is at the forefront. Even there, GST, also known as jaziya tax, is being imposed by the Indian government.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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