KK Pathak, a senior officer in Bhagalpur, has recently been inspecting schools in various villages and towns in the area. He has visited schools in Kahalgaon, Jagdishpur, Nathnagar, Sabour, Sanhaula, and Nagar Nigam. This is part of his ongoing efforts to ensure the quality of education provided to students in these schools. Pathak believes that regular inspections are necessary to identify any issues and make improvements where necessary.
In Kahalgaon, Pathak visited several schools and interacted with both teachers and students. He observed the classrooms and facilities to assess the overall condition of the schools. Pathak emphasized the importance of maintaining a conducive learning environment for students and urged teachers to be dedicated to their profession.
Similarly, in Jagdishpur, Nathnagar, Sabour, Sanhaula, and Nagar Nigam, Pathak conducted inspections to evaluate the educational infrastructure and teaching methods. He stressed the need for teachers to adopt innovative teaching techniques and ensure that students are actively engaged in the learning process.
Pathak’s visits to these schools are aimed at identifying any shortcomings and implementing necessary measures to improve the quality of education. He believes that by closely monitoring the schools and regularly interacting with teachers and students, he can effectively address any issues and ensure a better learning environment for the students. Pathak’s efforts to improve the education system in Bhagalpur are commendable and will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the students’ academic achievement.
के के पाठक को भागलपुर में कहलगांव, जगदीशपुर, नाथनगर, सबौर, सन्हौला और नगर निगम के स्कूलों का निरीक्षण करने की अनुमति है। यह सूचना फोटो के माध्यम से प्राप्त हुई है।