Professor Lavaguru Matukanath Chaudhary, a renowned professor at Krishna University in Bhagalpur ★Patna, is currently running the Osho International School in Korchakka village near his ancestral village. After his separation from Julie, his family became distant from him, and now, he is also no longer with Julie. In a private land of about three acres in Korchakka village, Professor Matukanath is running the school with the help of rural teachers. It is known that Professor Chaudhary’s ancestral village is Jayarampur in Bihar’s Bihpur block.

Julie, who currently resides in the West Indies, had a viral picture in 2020, where she appeared to be in a weak condition. Some people trolled Professor Chaudhary on social media because of this picture. However, no news about Julie has surfaced since this trolling incident. Professor Chaudhary revealed in an interview with Prabhat Khabar that in 2020, he received information through a well-wisher about Julie’s illness in the West Indies. He contacted Julie and went to the West Indies. He stayed there for about three and a half months and got Julie treated, after which she fully recovered. Currently, she is traveling.

Julie and Professor Matukanath started their relationship in 2004, and it became public in 2006. They were together until 2014. Professor Matukanath believes that love gives freedom, and he gave Julie complete freedom. As a result, Julie’s inclination shifted towards spirituality. Professor Matukanath stated that his love for Julie started fading in 2014 and she left of her own free will in 2015 without any hindrance.

When Julie was sick in the West Indies, her family members were not with her. Professor Matukanath Chaudhary mentioned that his family members, including his wife and son, do not live with him. His son stays abroad and holds a prestigious position, while his first wife lives in Patna. Professor Matukanath stated that the possibility of a reunion with his wife does not seem likely at present, but he is completely satisfied with his life.

Regarding his school, Professor Matukanath mentioned that he took a sabbatical in October 2018. He started the Osho International School on March 21, 2022, on his own land in the village. Initially, there were about 50 students, and currently, there are around 40 students in his school. Professor Matukanath also mentioned that he is running a scholarship program for meritorious students and will reward them. He believes that love is condemned in his society, whereas love is a power.

Professor Matukanath is a follower of Acharya Osho. He stated that the purpose of establishing the school is to create a stir in society. He will write many books and focus on the children every day.

ऋषव मिश्रा कृष्णा, भागलपुर ★पटना विश्वविद्यालय के प्रोफेसर लवगुरु मटुकनाथ चौधरी अपने पैतृक गांव के पास कोरचक्का गांव में ओशो अंतरराष्ट्रीय विद्यालय का संचालन कर रहे हैं। उनका परिवार दूर हो गया था जब उनकी पत्नी जूली के साथ प्रेम जगजाहिर हुआ था, और अब जूली भी नहीं रही है। प्रो मटुकनाथ ग्रामीण शिक्षकों की मदद से विद्यालय का संचालन कर रहे हैं। उन्होंने बताया कि उन्हें जूली के बीमार होने की सूचना मिली थी, और उन्होंने जूली का इलाज कराया। अब वह अपने विद्यालय को संचालित कर रहे हैं और मेधावी बच्चों को पुरस्कार भी देंगे। वे प्रेम के महत्व को समझाने के लिए सदैव प्रेरित करते हैं।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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