In the Thakurganj block of Godda district, there is only one doctor working at the local hospital. Despite the demand for female doctors in the hospital, no appointments have been made. The residents of the area have been requesting the appointment of a female doctor for years, but their pleas have gone unanswered. As a result, women who come to the hospital for treatment are unable to openly discuss their problems, as there is no female doctor available. They feel uncomfortable sharing their concerns with male doctors, which is a significant issue for the region.
The population of the block is said to be 124,000. Due to the absence of any female doctors in the hospital, a large number of women who come for treatment are unable to express their problems openly. The entire hospital is dependent on one male doctor. It is reported that hundreds of patients are seen in the outpatient department every day. According to local residents, the indifference of the area’s representatives is the cause of this problem. People from neighboring Sahibganj and Bhagalpur districts also come to Godda for treatment in large numbers.
As a result of this situation, people from the district, as well as other places, have to go elsewhere for treatment, causing them inconvenience and financial burden. Despite the government’s construction of buildings worth crores of rupees, there is a shortage of doctors. When asked about this, Dr. Subhash Chandra Sharma, the medical officer in charge, said that the relevant officer has been informed about the situation. He also confirmed that there is a shortage of doctors. In Pathargama, the medical officer’s vehicle has been in a dilapidated condition for 20 years and there is no government vehicle available.
गोड्डा जिले के अंतिम छोर पर स्थित ठाकुरगंगटी प्रखंड के अस्पताल में सिर्फ एक डॉक्टर कार्यरत है और यहां लंबे समय से महिला चिकित्सक की मांग के बावजूद डॉक्टरों का पदस्थापन नहीं हो सका है। क्षेत्र की आबादी 124000 हजार है और इस अस्पताल में एक भी महिला चिकित्सक की प्रतिनियुक्ति नहीं हुई है, जिसके कारण महिलाएं खुलकर अपनी समस्याओं को नहीं बता पाती हैं। इससे साथ ही प्रखंड के और अन्य स्थानों से आने-जाने वालों को भी कष्ट हो रहा है और गरीब परिवार को बड़ा खर्च उठाना पड़ रहा है। इस बाबत चिकित्सा प्रभारी डॉक्टर सुभाष चंद्र शर्मा ने कहा है कि उन्हें इस मामले की जानकारी है और पदाधिकारी को भेजी गई है।