On the occasion of the wedding anniversary of Tejashwi Yadav, the Laloo family visited the Tirupati Balaji temple. They also performed the Mundan Sanskar ceremony for Tejashwi’s granddaughter, Katyayani. Tejashwi shared a photo of the ceremony on social media.
The Laloo family, including Tejashwi Yadav, visited the Tirupati Balaji temple to celebrate the wedding anniversary of Tejashwi. It was a special occasion for the family, and they sought the blessings of the deity. The visit to the temple was followed by the Mundan Sanskar ceremony for Tejashwi’s granddaughter, Katyayani.
Tejashwi Yadav took to social media to share a photo of the Mundan Sanskar ceremony. In the photo, Katyayani can be seen getting her head shaved as part of the ritual. The family seemed happy and blessed during the ceremony, and Tejashwi expressed his joy by sharing the photo with his followers.
The visit to the Tirupati Balaji temple and the Mundan Sanskar ceremony were significant events for the Laloo family. It was a way for them to celebrate Tejashwi’s wedding anniversary and seek blessings for the family’s well-being. The photo shared by Tejashwi on social media allowed his followers to be a part of this special occasion.
तेजस्वी यादव की शादी की सालगिरह पर लालू परिवार ने तिरुपति बालाजी के दर्शन किए। इस मौके पर लालू की पोती कात्यायनी का मुंडन संस्कार भी हुआ, जिसकी फोटो तेजस्वी ने सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर की।