Title: Laloo Prasad Yadav Drives in an Unfit Vehicle
Laloo Prasad Yadav, the National President of the Rashtriya Janata Dal, has been seen driving in a car that lacks fitness certification, insurance, and pollution control. This revelation was made by Amar Ujala on the evening of November 8th. Despite the news, only the pollution under control (PUC) certificate was obtained for the vehicle the next morning, while the other requirements were overlooked.
Fitness Certification and Insurance:
If a vehicle fails its fitness certification, it needs to be re-certified before it can be driven legally. In this case, the car is used by the state’s VIPs, making it even more important for it to be fit. However, obtaining an insurance policy is easier than re-certification. If the insurance has expired for a long time, as in this case, a physical inspection by the insurance company is required before the policy can be issued. This process takes a few days at most.
Pollution Control Certificate:
Obtaining a pollution control certificate is a quick and simple process that can be done in a matter of minutes. However, in the case of Laloo Prasad Yadav’s car, even this requirement was not fulfilled until the news was published. It was only after the news broke that the PUC was obtained for the vehicle.
Laloo Prasad Yadav, a prominent political figure, was found driving in a car that lacked fitness certification, insurance, and pollution control. While the pollution control certificate was obtained after the news was published, the other requirements were overlooked. This incident highlights the need for stricter enforcement of vehicle regulations, even for VIPs.
इस खबर में बताया गया है कि राष्ट्रीय जनता दल के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष लालू प्रसाद यादव की गाड़ी में फिटनेस प्रमाणपत्र, इंश्योरेंस और प्रदूषण सर्टिफिकेट नहीं है। इसके बाद उनकी गाड़ी के लिए प्रदूषण सर्टिफिकेट तो बनवाया गया, लेकिन बाकी की जरूरत नहीं समझी गई।