Local residents of Bairiya, Patna City boycott upcoming elections
Local residents of Bairiya in Patna City have announced a boycott of the upcoming elections on June 1. On Sunday, the residents took to the streets raising slogans of “No road, no vote” and organized a protest march.
Residents of Ward No. 24 in Patna Sahib Lok Sabha constituency join the protest
The local residents of Ward No. 24 in Bairiya, Patna Sahib Lok Sabha constituency, also announced their boycott of the upcoming elections on June 1. On Sunday, the residents of Ward No. 24, including rural, women, and men, came out on the streets and protested against the elections.
Issues of broken roads and waterlogging highlighted by the locals
The residents explained that the biggest problem in Bairiya, Ward No. 24, is the deteriorating roads and waterlogging. Due to the lack of proper drainage system, people face house arrests for several days during the monsoon season. The roads in the area are completely broken, making it difficult for people to commute.
Challenges faced due to lack of road construction and drainage system
The construction of roads in the area has not been possible, leading to difficulties in commuting. The lack of proper drainage system results in dirty water flowing on the roads, causing inconvenience to the residents and students going to school. The local residents, feeling neglected, have decided to boycott the elections in the area with approximately 4000 voters.
पटना सिटी के मानपुर बैरिया में स्थानीय लोगों ने आगामी 1 जून को होने वाले मतदान का बहिष्कार करने का ऐलान किया है। उन्होंने जमकर विरोध प्रदर्शन किया और “रोड नहीं और नाल नहीं तो वोट नहीं” का नारा बुलंद किया। मानपुर बैरिया में सड़क और जल जमाव की समस्या के कारण लोगों को हाउस अरेस्ट करना पड़ता है, इसके साथ ही नाला की समुचित व्यवस्था नहीं होने के कारण लोगों को और स्कूल जाने में परेशानी होती है। इसके चलते लोगों ने मतदान बहिष्कार का निर्णय लिया है।