Admitted to Queen Mary Hospital in Lucknow
The teenage girl who was a victim of mass rape in Ayodhya has been admitted to Queen Mary Hospital in Lucknow for better treatment. She was brought to Lucknow on Monday in an ambulance for improved medical care. The victim’s mother has also arrived in Lucknow. Police have been deployed for security. The victim of the rape is pregnant for 12 weeks.
Family members are also present
The victim of the mass rape was initially admitted to the district hospital in Ayodhya. However, she was not receiving proper care there. Subsequently, the decision was made to transfer her to Queen Mary Hospital in Lucknow. According to KGMU spokesperson Dr. Sudhir Singh, the doctors found that the girl was suffering from fever and vomiting. After obtaining the consent of the family members, a decision will be made regarding the girl’s abortion. Meanwhile, her treatment will continue.
Updates in Progress…
लखनऊ के क्वीन मेरी अस्पताल में सामूहिक दुष्कर्म का शिकार पीड़ित किशोरी को भर्ती कराया गया है। पीड़िता की मां भी उसके साथ हैं और पुलिस की तैनाती भी हो चुकी है। उसे 12 सप्ताह का गर्भ है और उसका इलाज जारी रहेगा। इसके साथ ही, परिवारीजनों की सहमति के बाद उसके गर्भपात का फैसला भी होगा।