According to confidential information, the Chavara police station in Shekhupura has arrested the accused Krishna Mohan Prasad, who was on the run in a case of harassment against a woman. The arrested accused is the son of Ramashish Prasad, a resident of Basant village. The raid was led by Chavara police station president and deputy police inspector Suresh Kumar Mishra. He explained that a few days ago, the arrested youth had committed the incident of harassment and assault against a Dalit woman in the village. Two unidentified suspects were also implicated in the case.

The Chavara police station has made significant progress in apprehending the accused in the case of harassment against a woman. The accused, Krishna Mohan Prasad, who was on the run, has been arrested. He is the son of Ramashish Prasad, a resident of Basant village. The raid was conducted by the Chavara police station president and deputy police inspector Suresh Kumar Mishra. He revealed that the arrested youth had recently harassed and assaulted a Dalit woman in the village. Two other suspects were also implicated in the incident.

The arrest of Krishna Mohan Prasad, the accused in the case of harassment against a woman in Shekhupura, is a significant development. The police were able to apprehend him based on confidential information. Krishna Mohan Prasad is the son of Ramashish Prasad, a resident of Basant village. The raid was led by Suresh Kumar Mishra, the president of the Chavara police station. Mishra stated that the accused had committed the crime a few days ago, targeting a Dalit woman in the village. Two other individuals were also named as suspects in the case.

The Chavara police station in Shekhupura has successfully arrested Krishna Mohan Prasad, who was evading arrest in a case of harassment against a woman. Prasad is the son of Ramashish Prasad from Basant village. The operation was carried out by Suresh Kumar Mishra, the president of the Chavara police station. Mishra revealed that the accused had recently assaulted and harassed a woman from the Dalit community in the village. Two other individuals were also implicated in the incident and named as suspects.

शेखपुरा में जिले के चेवाड़ा थाना पुलिस ने गुप्त सूचना के आधार पर महिला के साथ छेड़खानी के मामले में फरार चल रहे आरोपी कृष्ण मोहन प्रसाद को गिरफ्तार किया है। गिरफ्तार आरोपी रामाशीष प्रसाद का पुत्र है और उन्होंने एक दलित महिला के साथ छेड़खानी और मारपीट की घटना को अंजाम दिया था।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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