People’s Participation in Lok Sabha Elections 2024
The sixth phase of voting for the Lok Sabha elections 2024 took place on May 25th, with only the voting on June 1st remaining. People are actively participating in this festival of democracy. In Jharkhand, a surprising incident occurred where a man named Shafiq Ahmed was going to vote with his wife, but unfortunately, his wife passed away on the way. Despite this tragedy, Shafiq returned home with his wife’s body and then went to cast his vote. This incident has sparked discussions throughout the region, with even the Congress candidate from Ranchi visiting Shafiq’s home.
Tragic Death on the Way to Vote
During the Lok Sabha elections in Ranchi, a heartwarming example of dedication to the festival of democracy was witnessed. Shafiq Ahmed and his wife Shahina Parveen from Fatima Nagar were going to cast their votes at booth number 208 in Gyan Sindhu Vidya Mandir when Shahina Parveen suddenly fell on the way and passed away on the spot.
Husband Reaches to Cast His Vote
Shafiq Ahmed was shaken by this sudden tragedy but did not lose courage. He first took his wife’s body home, informed his relatives, and then decided to cast his vote after explaining everything. He then went to the polling center and cast his vote.
Congress Candidate Visits the Family
Congress candidate Yashaswini Sahay was informed about this incident and visited Fatima Nagar to meet Shafiq Ahmed and his family to express her condolences. Yashaswini Sahay stated that this incident is an example of dedication to the festival of democracy. Ahmed’s decision to vote first, emphasizing the importance of elections in democracy, is highly commendable.
लोकसभा चुनाव 2024 के लिए 25 मई को छठे चरण के तहत मतदान हो गया और अब केवल 1 जून की वोटिंग बची है। झारखंड से एक खबर सामने आई है, जिसमें शफीक अहमद नाम का व्यक्ति अपनी पत्नी के साथ मतदान करने जा रहा था, लेकिन रास्ते में ही पत्नी की मौत हो गई। इसके बाद उन्होंने पत्नी का शव घर पहुंचाया और खुद वोट डालने के लिए निकल गए। इस घटना ने पूरे इलाके में चर्चा का विषय बना दिया। रांची की कांग्रेस प्रत्याशी भी शफीक से मिलने उनके घर पहुंची। यह घटना लोकतंत्र के महापर्व में समर्पण की उच्च उदाहरण है। अहमद ने पहले मतदान करने का निर्णय लेते हुए लोकतंत्र में चुनाव के महत्व को साबित किया।