Manik Seeth reveals details about the incident

Manik Seeth stated that after the death of their daughter, Kaviraj Rishikesh started coming to their home frequently. Meanwhile, a love affair began between him and Manik’s wife.

Kaviraj’s frequent visits to Manik’s home

Since the tragic incident, Kaviraj Rishikesh has been regularly visiting Manik Seeth’s home. This has raised suspicion about his intentions and led to unexpected events.

Love affair between Kaviraj and Manik’s wife

During Kaviraj’s frequent visits, a love affair began to blossom between him and Manik’s wife. This unexpected turn of events has shocked the entire community.

Manik’s profession and the unfolding events

Manik Seeth works in a tailoring shop and is currently dealing with the aftermath of his daughter’s death and the unexpected love affair between his wife and Kaviraj Rishikesh. The situation has left him devastated and uncertain about the future.

मानिक सीट ने घटना के संबंध में बताया कि उनकी बेटी की मौत के बाद से कविराज ऋषिकेश उनके घर में अक्सर आना-जाना लगा रहता है। इसी बीच, पत्नी के साथ प्रेम प्रसंग शुरू हो गया। मानिक सीट ने बताया कि वे टेलर दुकान में काम करते हैं।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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