Market adorned with the king of fruits, mangoes

In Ranchi, the market is currently filled with mangoes. However, the sweetness in the mangoes is less at the moment. It will take about 10 to 15 days to wait for sweet mangoes. After that, sweet mangoes from Bihar will start coming to the market. Currently, mangoes from the South and Odisha are coming to the market, but they do not have the same taste. The mangoes from Bhagalpur will start coming to the market in Ranchi within 10 to 15 days. By the second week of June, mangoes from Mumbai and Jardalu will start arriving. In Bhagalpur, Mumbai mangoes are selling for 70 to 90 rupees per kilo, and Jardalu for 150 rupees per kilo. Due to late arrival this time, there has been a slight delay in the arrival of mangoes. However, the Langra mango from there may take a month to arrive.

Haapus mangoes have also arrived but are expensive

Haapus mangoes are also available in the market now, but they are quite expensive. Due to the high price, only enthusiasts are buying them. These mangoes are selling for 400 to 500 rupees per kilo.

Disclaimer: This news feed is an automated feed of Prabhat Khabar newspaper. It has not been edited by the Prabhat Khabar team.

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