Married woman found dead under suspicious circumstances in Nalanda: A married woman was found dead under suspicious circumstances in Nalanda, Bihar. Her family alleged that her in-laws strangled her to death. The incident took place in the Bind Thana area of Jhana village. The news of her death created panic in the area, with a crowd gathering around. The police arrived at the scene and sent the body for post-mortem. The woman was identified as Reena Devi, wife of Dinesh Prasad and resident of Jhana village.

In-laws harassed her and refused to provide money for household expenses: According to Reena Devi’s brother, Shashikant Kumar, she called him and informed him that her mother-in-law and other family members had killed her by suffocating her mouth and nose. Shashikant revealed that Reena was studying in a private school to support herself financially as her in-laws refused to provide money for household expenses. Whenever she visited her parents’ home, her in-laws would call and verbally abuse her.

Husband transferred to Biharsharif a year ago: In February 2014, Rajkumar Singh, the father of Reena, got her married to Dinesh, the son of late Ram Balak Raut from Jhana village in the Bind Thana area. At that time, the dowry was given according to their status. Everything was fine for the first year of their marriage, but then her in-laws started harassing her. During this time, she gave birth to a son and a daughter. Her husband was working in Maharashtra as a Group D employee in the railways and was transferred to Biharsharif a year ago.

Police await post-mortem report to determine cause of death: Bind Thana SHO Sudhir Kumar stated that the woman’s family has accused her in-laws of murder. The police reached the scene upon receiving the information and sent the body to Bihar Sharif Sadar Hospital for post-mortem. The cause of death will be determined after the post-mortem report is received. The police have started their investigation into the case.

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