A girl who had been missing from her home in Muzaffarpur, Bihar since November 5, 2022, suddenly arrived at the IG office. She was then sent to the SSP office. The girl revealed in front of the police that she had married her lover on November 13. Her father wanted her to get married to an elderly person, so she had run away from home. She is now in danger from her father and wants to live with her husband.
The police took the girl to the SSP office. She had gone missing from her home in 2022. She had married her lover without her family’s consent. Her father wanted her to marry someone else, which is why she had fled from home. The girl is scared for her life and wishes to stay with her husband.
The SSP office took the girl into custody and is investigating the matter. The girl’s father has not been informed of her whereabouts yet. The police will take appropriate action based on their findings. The girl is relieved to have revealed the truth and hopes to live a safe and happy life with her husband.