In Navada, a mobile phone was snatched from a pedestrian by a gang of criminals using weapons. The incident took place on Chhaya Road in the Nagar Thana area. When the victim resisted, he was beaten and shots were fired at him. Despite shouting for help, no one came to his aid. However, social worker Shankar Lohar, who was passing by, admitted the injured youth to the Sadar Hospital. The injured youth has been identified as Sanjeet Kumar, son of Vindhya Mahato, a resident of Bara Gaon in the Kauakol police station area. The criminals managed to escape after firing shots.

The incident highlights the increasing crime rate in Navada and the lack of security for the general public. The fact that no one came forward to help the victim is a cause for concern and raises questions about the safety of the community. It is important for authorities to take immediate action to apprehend the criminals and ensure the safety of the residents.

Shankar Lohar’s act of helping the injured youth is commendable and showcases the importance of community involvement in tackling crime. It is crucial for individuals to support and assist each other in times of need. The incident also emphasizes the significance of providing timely medical assistance to victims of crime.

The identity of the criminals involved in the incident is yet to be determined. The police should conduct a thorough investigation and use all available resources to track down the culprits. The incident serves as a reminder for individuals to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to protect themselves from such incidents.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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