Mysterious bird resembling an owl found in Siwan, Bihar: A mysterious bird resembling an owl has been found in Siwan, Bihar. It makes sounds similar to a snake and its size is increasing daily. People are curious to know what kind of bird it is, with some speculating it to be a Jatayu. However, the identification of this bird is still unknown.

Bird found in Siwan raises curiosity: The room in the house of Manan Singh in Gathani Thana area of Siwan district, Bihar, had been closed for several days. When he opened the room a week ago, he suddenly heard the sound of a snake. Manan Singh called a snake catcher from Maharajganj Thana area. As soon as the snake catcher reached the room, he saw four birds resembling owls sitting on the roof. Initially, he was scared but then managed to catch the birds. Since then, people from far away villages have started coming to see these birds, but their identification remains a mystery.

Forest department yet to rescue the birds: The residents of Gathani Thana area in Siwan district are excited to see the bird that resembles an owl and speaks like a snake. However, the identity of these birds is still unknown. They are completely white in appearance, with black eyes and look very cute. There are four birds in total, two big and two small. The villagers have informed the forest department about these birds, but they have not yet come to rescue them.

Arrangements made for the birds’ food: After the birds resembling owls were found, arrangements were made for their food. They were given various types of food, but they did not eat. Later, they were given only wheat grains and guava, which they are eating with great enthusiasm.

बिहार के सीवान जिले में एक उल्लू जैसा दिखने वाला पक्षी मिला है। इस पक्षी की आवाज सांप की तरह होती है और इसका आकार बढ़ता जा रहा है। लोगों के मन में इस पक्षी के बारे में सवाल उठ रहे हैं और कुछ लोग इसे जटायु मान रहे हैं। इस पक्षी की पहचान अभी तक नहीं हुई है और वन विभाग द्वारा इसे रेस्क्यू करने की कोशिश नहीं की गई है। इस पक्षी को खाने के लिए गेहूं के दाने और अमरूद दिए जा रहे हैं।

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