The body of a married woman was found by the police on Wednesday night in Asthawan village, under the Asthawan police station area in Nalanda district. The deceased, identified as Khushboo Kumari, was the 22-year-old wife of Suresh Chaudhary. The police had received information about the body from her in-laws’ place. In connection with this case, Khushboo Kumari’s mother, Suman Devi, filed a murder complaint against three people, including her son-in-law, at Asthawan police station on Thursday. She alleged that her son-in-law often used to drink alcohol and abuse and beat her daughter.

The police are currently investigating the matter and have registered a case of murder against the accused. They are also questioning the family members and neighbors to gather more information about the incident. The body of the deceased has been sent for post-mortem to determine the cause of death. The incident has created a sense of grief among the relatives and the villagers, who are demanding justice for Khushboo Kumari.

The police have intensified their efforts to solve the case and bring the culprits to justice. They are also providing support to the grieving family and ensuring their safety. The motive behind the murder is yet to be determined, and further investigation is underway. The incident highlights the need for stricter laws and measures to prevent domestic violence and ensure the safety of women in society.

नालंदा के अस्थावां गांव में एक विवाहिता की हत्या के मामले में पुलिस ने उसके दामाद समेत तीन लोगों पर फांसी लगाने का मामला दर्ज किया है। मृतका की मां ने दावा किया है कि उनका दामाद उनकी बेटी के साथ शराब पीकर गाली गलौज और मारपीट करता था। पुलिस अभी इस मामले की जांच कर रही है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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