Laatihār Police have arrested the Sub-Zonal Commander of CPI (Maoist) Pradeep Singh Chero, who carries a reward of Rs 5 lakh, from the Bariatu Jungle. Acting on a tip-off, a raid team was formed under the leadership of Circle Police Officer Santosh Kumar Mishra. When the team reached the jungle, Pradeep Singh tried to escape but was surrounded and apprehended by the police. Pradeep Singh Chero was known to be actively involved in Maoist activities in the Latehar district.
Pradeep Singh Chero has been involved in various criminal cases at different locations. He has played a major role in several significant incidents. He has been active in the Boodha Pahad area as well. A total of 23 criminal cases have been registered against him, including eight in Garu Police Station, six in Baresar Police Station, two in Mahuadand, three in Pesharar, and one each in Manika, Herhanj, Latehar, and Chhipadohar Police Stations.
The arrest of Pradeep Singh Chero is a significant achievement for the police as he was a key leader of the CPI (Maoist) and his capture has dealt a major blow to the Maoist organization. He was well-informed about the surrounding areas due to his roots in Latehar. Pradeep Singh Chero’s arrest will help in curbing Maoist activities in the region and maintaining law and order.
The raid team was successful in apprehending Pradeep Singh Chero, who was wanted in several criminal cases. This operation is a part of the ongoing campaign against Maoists in the Latehar district. The police will continue their efforts to ensure the safety and security of the region by targeting individuals involved in unlawful activities.
लातेहार पुलिस ने बरियातू जागीर जंगल से 5 लाख की ईनामी भाकपा माओवादी के सब जोनल कमांडर प्रदीप सिंह चेरो को गिरफ्तार किया है। प्रदीप सिंह चेरो लातेहार जिले में बूढ़ा पहाड़ और अन्य इलाकों में अपनी गतिविधियों को संचालित करता था। उनके खिलाफ 23 आपराधिक मामले दर्ज हैं और उन्होंने कई घटनाओं को अंजाम दिया है। उनकी गिरफ्तारी पुलिस के लिए बड़ी कामयाबी है।